Tuesday, October 28, 2008


As many of you know I got into nursing to be a labor and delivery nurse. So, for the past year and a half, even though I have learned a lot, I have not truly loved any of my rotations. In fact, I had many temptations to call in sick or turn around on the freeway. I was getting nervous because I was starting to second guess what I was going to do after graduation.

Well, after my first day on the labor and delivery floor yesterday, I AM IN LOVE!

My heart filled with joy when I was running down the hall within the first 5 minutes on the floor. It was an emergency c-section. I sat in on the cutest couple having a little girl. Watching the couple's expressions just brought tears to my eyes. I then got to care not only for the mother but also for the little girl. I got to give her first bath. So precious!

I then got to take another couple who were in labor. The baby was in distress and it amazed me how this nurse took so many precautions to make sure this little baby was ok. She was so on top of this couple's care. I left before the baby was delivered but I learned so much.

And that was only my first day! I wish I did not have to go to any other rotations! Can't they just hire me right now???? Pretty please!

1 comment:

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

I'm so glad to hear that you love your new rotation! I can totally see you as an L&D nurse. :)