Friday, December 19, 2008

The innocence of a child

I am so in love with seeing the world through Brendan's eyes.

My son is so incredibly excited about Santa Claus. I thought it would be fun to write Santa a letter this year. Brendan is old enough now and it was always a great memory I had as a child

So I asked Brendan if he wanted to write Santa a letter. Brendan's eyes got really big and he agreed intently.

We sat down with pen and paper ready in hand

Brendan got so excited and told me "I want to write letters for Santa". I thought great, maybe he wants to write more than one letter.

Brendan continues "Momma, write an A, R, S, M.

Those were Brendan's "letters" to santa. My heart just grew that day. So darn cute!!!

So we sealed the envelope and it is going straight into my scrapbook or should I say the North Pole.

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