Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have been tagged!

Ok, if you know me, I never respond to tags or chain letters. I am a party pooper!

This tag was super easy and really fun actually. Here is what I had to do:

1. Pick the fourth photo from the fourth folder in your computer.
2. Post it and tag four other people.

So here is my picture. I am 25 weeks pregnant with Brendan, in my pajamas! I had been on bedrest since week 9 and could barely wash my hair without help. I was miserable!!! I had 7 more weeks of bedrest after this picture as Brendan was born at 33 weeks.
As I was searching for my 4th picture, I ran across all of my belly pictures. I hated taking them at the time but I love seeing them now. Brendan sat here with me looking at each one. It was very cute. I cannot wait to get pregnant again!!!
Ok, so I am tagging Alison, Courtney, Suzanne and Melissa. Have fun! What crazy pics will you come up with?

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