Thursday, January 22, 2009

And for the letter of the day...

We will be reading a story with the letter:

Pretty bad I have been feeling for two weeks.

Pills a many I have taken for cough and fever.

Pain in the patoots is nursing school when you stress so bad that you cannot get better.

Paperwork flowing last night (9 hours to be exact) to finish my 1st preclinical CICU care plan.

Praising the Lord that at midnight last night, my two friends waited with me at the Emergency Room until 3am when I could not breathe well.

Not loving life today sitting in bed with Pneumonia!!!!

(I won't go into the details of the phlegm, you can just imagine that on your own. ha ha)

And that story was brought to you by the letter P.

Lovely, I know (enter sad face here)


archieandshannon said...

you have pneumonia?? Did you get my text? Wondering how school is going for you! Have you been able to go? OMG! Let me know!

Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Oh noooooo! You poor thing! Can I bring you anything or do anything for you???